M33 Installation Package Software

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On the Package page of the Create Package and Program Wizard, specify the following information: -.Name:. Specify a name for the package with a maximum of 50 characters.-.Description:. Optionally specify a description for this package with a maximum of 128 characters.-.Manufacturer:. Optionally specify a manufacturer name to help you identify the package in the Configuration Manager console.

Section 2.2.2 includes a statistical analysis of the most recent previous survey of M33 clusters by Zloczewski et al. The analysis of the CMDs. Then, the data quality files were applied by setting the values of bad pixels to a large negative number so that the photometry software will ignore them. The photometry was. Note that as of SAP NetW eaver 7.02, SAP CPS v ersion M28 is deplo yed in the Ja va stack and you will need. To upgrade to version 8.0.0. In SAP NetWeaver 7.30, you can install SAP CPS version M28 by installing. The Job-Sched usage type; if you have done so, you will need to upgrade to version 8.0.0.

This name can be a maximum of 32 characters.-.Language:. Optionally specify the language version of the package with a maximum of 32 characters.-.Version:.

Optionally specify a version number for the package with a maximum of 32 characters.-.This package contains source files. This setting indicates whether the package requires source files to be present on client devices.

By default, this check box is cleared and Configuration Manager does not use distribution points for the package. When this check box is selected, distribution points are used.-.Source folder:. If the package contains source files, click.Browse. to open the.Set Source Folder. dialog box and specify the location of the source files for the package. !NOTE The computer account of the site server must have read access permissions to the source folder that you specify.

On the Standard Program page of the Wizard, specify the following information: -.Name:. Specify a name for the program with a maximum of 50 characters. !NOTE The program name must be unique within a package.

After you create a program, you cannot modify its name.-.Command Line:. Enter the command line to be used to start this program, or click.Browse. to browse to the file location.If a specified file name does not have an extension specified, Configuration Manager attempts to use.com,.exe, and.bat as possible extensions.When the program is run on a client, Configuration Manager first searches for the command-line file name within the package, searches next in the local Windows folder, and then searches in local%path%. If the file cannot be found, the program fails.-.Startup folder:. Optionally use this field to specify the folder from which the program runs, up to 127 characters. This folder can be an absolute path on the client or a path relative to the distribution point folder that contains the package.-.Run:.


Specifies the mode in which the program will run on client computers. Select one of the following:-.Normal. The program runs in the normal mode based on system and program defaults. This is the default mode.-.Minimized. – The program runs minimized on client devices. Users might see installation activity in the notification area or taskbar.-.Maximized. – The program runs maximized on client devices.

Users will see all installation activity.-.Hidden. – The program runs hidden on client devices. Users will not see any installation activity.-.Program can run:. Specify whether the program can run only when a user is logged on, run only when no user is logged on, or run regardless of whether a user is logged on to the client computer.-.Run mode:. Specify whether the program will run with administrative permissions or with the permissions of the currently logged on user.-.Allow users to view and interact with the program installation. Use this setting, if available, to specify whether to allow users to interact with the program installation.

This check box is available only when.Only when no user is logged on. or.Whether or not a user is logged on.

is selected for.Program can run. and.Run with administrative rights. is selected for.Run mode.-.Drive mode:. Specify information about how this program will runs on the network. Choose one of the following:-.Runs with UNC name. Indicates that the program runs with a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name.

This is the default setting.-.Requires drive letter. Indicates that the program requires a drive letter to fully qualify its location. For this setting, Configuration Manager can use any available drive letter on the client.-.Requires specific drive letter (example: Z:). Indicates that the program requires a specific drive letter that you specify to fully qualify its location. If the specified drive letter is already used on a client, the program does not run.-.Reconnect to distribution point at log on. Use this check box to indicate whether the client computer reconnects to the distribution point when the user logs on.

By default, this check box is cleared. On the Program for Device page of the Wizard, specify the following information: -.Name:. Specify a name for the program with a maximum of 50 characters. !NOTE The program name must be unique within a package. After you create a program, you cannot modify its name.-.Comment:. Optionally, specify a comment for this device program with a maximum of 127 characters.-.Download folder:.

Specify the name of the folder on the Windows CE device in which the package source files will be stored. The default value is.Temp.-.Command Line:. Enter the command line to use to start this program, or click.Browse.

to browse to the file location.-.Run command line in download folder. – Select this option to run the program from the previously specified download folder.-.Run command line from this folder.

– Select this option to specify a different folder from which to run the program. On the Requirements page of the Wizard, specify the following information: -.Estimated disk space:. Specify the amount of disk space required for the software. This will be displayed to users of mobile devices before they install the program.-.Download program:.

Specify information regarding when this program can be downloaded to mobile devices. You can specify.As soon as possible.,.Only over a fast network., or.Only when the device is docked.-.Additional requirements:. Specify any additional requirements for this program. These will be displayed to users before they install the software. For example, you could notify users that they need to close all other applications before running the program.

This section of the package definition file specifies the properties of the package and program. It provides the following information:.Name: The name of the package, up to 50 characters. This entry is required.Version: The version of the package, up to 32 characters. This entry is optional.Icon: Optionally, the file containing the icon to use for this package. If specified, this icon will replace the default package icon in the Configuration Manager console.Publisher: The publisher of the package, up to 32 characters. This entry is required.Language: The language version of the package, up to 32 characters.

This entry is required.Comment: An optional comment about the package, up to 127 characters.ContainsNoFiles: This entry indicates whether or not a source is associated with the package.Programs: The programs defined for this package. Each program name corresponds to a Program section in this package definition file. This entry is required.Example:Programs=Typical, Custom, Uninstall.MIFFileName: The name of the Management Information Format (MIF) file that contains the package status, up to 50 characters.MIFName: The name of the package (for MIF matching), up to 50 characters.MIFVersion: The version number of the package (for MIF matching), up to 32 characters.MIFPublisher: The software publisher of the package (for MIF matching), up to 32 characters. For each program specified in the Programs entry in the Package Definition section, the package definition file must include a Program section that defines that program. Each Program section provides the following information:.Name: The name of the program, up to 50 characters.

This entry must be unique within a package. This name is used when defining advertisements. On client computers, the name of the program is shown in Run Advertised Programs in Control Panel. This entry is required.Icon: Optionally specifies the file containing the icon to use for this program.

If specified, this icon will replace the default program icon in the Configuration Manager console and will be displayed on client computers when the program is advertised.Comment: An optional comment about the program, up to 127 characters.CommandLine: Specifies the command line for the program, up to 127 characters. The command is relative to the package source folder.

This entry is required.StartIn: Specifies the working folder for the program, up to 127 characters. This entry can be an absolute path on the client computer or a path relative to the package source folder. This entry is required.Run: Specifies the program mode in which the program will run.

You can specify Minimized, Maximized, or Hidden. If this entry is not included, the program will run in normal mode.AfterRunning: Specifies any special action that occurs after the program is successfully completed. Options available are SMSRestart, ProgramRestart, or SMSLogoff. If this entry is not included, the program will not run a special action.EstimatedDiskSpace: Specifies the amount of disk space that the software program requires to be able run on the computer. This can be specified as Unknown (the default setting) or as a whole number greater than or equal to zero. If a value is specified, the units for the value must also be specified.Example:EstimatedDiskSpace=38MB.EstimatedRunTime: Specifies the estimated duration (in minutes) that the program is expected to run on the client computer. This can be specified as Unknown (the default setting) or as a whole number greater than zero.Example:EstimatedRunTime=25.SupportedClients: Specifies the processors and operating systems on which this program will run.

Create Software Installation Package

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